It is Klara’s first soccer practice. She meets her teammates. They become friends! This title introduces readers to the importance of being social. Leveled text includes examples of being… More →
Self Esteem & Self Reliance
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Find your favorite spot to enjoy a snack and dig into this book about eating healthy! A narrative opener welcomes beginning readers to the topic of eating healthy. Leveled text guides readers More →
Keeping clean is an important practice! It keeps bad germs at bay and helps give us confidence. In this title, beginning readers will develop an understanding of the different ways keeping… More →
Staying active is important to keeping our bodies strong. It is good for our mental and emotional health, too! In this title, beginning readers are introduced to the importance of staying… More →
Understanding emotions is an essential part of maintaining good mental health and having empathy for others. This book walks readers through the importance of understanding emotions and… More →