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Customs, Traditions, Anthropology

17 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.

Social Studies

The Blackfeet

The Blackfeet Nation is one of the largest Native American nations. They have lived in the Rocky Mountain region for thousands of years. In this title, readers will discover how the Blackfeet More →

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Social Studies

The Cherokee

The Cherokee people are Native Americans that once lived in and around the Appalachian Mountains. Today, there are three Cherokee tribes. In this title, readers will learn about the history… More →

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Social Studies

The Hopi

Living in the Four Corners region of the Southwest, the Hopi are a Native American nation who still occupy part of their native lands. Many Hopi continue to live as their ancestors did long… More →

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Social Studies

The Navajo

The Navajo Nation is one of the largest Native American tribes. Today, their lands make up over 27,000 square miles of the American Southwest where many Navajo people, or Diné, continue to… More →

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Social Studies

The Shawnee

The Shawnee once lived across the eastern United States. They thrived as a fierce group of warriors, farmers, hunters and gatherers, and traders. Today, the three Shawnee tribes are located… More →

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Social Studies

The Sioux

The Sioux are a confederacy of Native American tribes that speak three different dialects: Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota. In this title, carefully leveled text helps readers discover how the… More →

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Social Studies


From costumes to candy, Halloween is full of fun! In this beginning title, young readers can learn about the different traditions of this holiday through simple, predictable text and colorful More →

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Social Studies


From giving gifts to attending church, Christmas is a favorite holiday for many. This beginning title introduces basic facts about the holiday to young students just starting to read… More →

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Social Studies


We light the menorah and play dreidel. It is Hanukkah! This beginning title introduces young readers to the Jewish Festival of Light. Simple, predictable text and crisp photos tell about what More →

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Social Studies

Day of the Dead

People dressed as skeletons parade through the streets. It is not Halloween. It is Day of the Dead! This title for beginning readers introduces the date, meaning, and traditions of this… More →

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Social Studies


Diwali honors good defeating evil! Students just starting to read on their own can learn all about the Hindu Festival of Lights in this beginning title, including when it happens and who… More →

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Social Studies


Easter is the most important holiday for Christians! Young readers can find out why and learn about some of the holiday’s traditions in this beginning title. Simple, predictable text and… More →

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