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The Senses

How do your eyes see? How do your ears hear? How does your nose smell? This series covers the basic structures and functions of the body’s five sense organs. Young readers will learn how each sense provides the brain with information about their surroundings.

Category Leveled Readers
Subject Blastoff! Readers Level 4, Science and Math
Copyright 2008
Publisher Bellwether Media
Imprint Blastoff! Readers
Blastoff! Readers Level 4
Language English
Publication Date 2007-08-01
Reading Counts! Level 2.7-3.4
Reading Counts! Points 1.0
Dewey 612.8
Lexile 500-610
Guided Reading Level L-N
ATOS Reading Level 2.7-3.1
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
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